
NeuroLabNL Startimpulse mid-way symposium

On May 16th, researchers of the NeuroLabNL Startimpulse projects celebrated the fact that they are mid-way, and the projects are running well. Prof. dr. Ron Dahl (UC Berkeley) kicked off with his inspiring lecture on the application of developmental neuroscience for public health: positive interventions at an early age give an upward spin to development. Also, youth likes to “matter”: by keeping youth involved and by respecting their opinion, they will find a positive way to contribute to society.

Startimpulse researchers presented the products that they are working on right now, such as an app for learning a second language, motivation measuring tools, educational material on antisocial behavior, and a new social taxonomy for child adolescent development.

For more news on this inspiring day, see the NeuroLabNL website and Universiteit Leiden.

New information booklet on adolescent brain development

The foundation for Life Sciences & Society (Biowetenschap & Maatschappij) has published a new booklet on adolescent brain development. It covers the most recent insights on a wide range of topics, such as risk-taking behavior, social-emotional development, the effect of sleep and social media, and what happens when development deviates from average. It is written by Dutch scientists and youth professionals, amongst which many GUTS researchers. It can be downloaded (free) or bought through this site.

May 16, 2019: NeuroLabNL Startimpuls symposium

On 16 May 2019, the annual NeuroLabNL Startimpuls symposium: “cross-talk between neuroscience and society” will take place in the Royal Theatre (Koninklijke Schouwburg) in The Hague. Guest speaker Prof. dr. Ronald Dahl (UC Berkeley, USA) will share his view on the use of developmental and neurocognitive science for public health, educational and safety policy. Startimpuls consortia-members will present their scientific products. In a masterclass, you can ask questions about your own (research)problems regarding neuroscience, societal benefits and policy making. The day will end with a paneldiscussion by Pedagogical Director of Youth Penitentiary Institutions Marijke van Geenabeek, Director-General Marcelis Boereboom from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Director Carsten Herstel from the Ministry of Justice and Safety, who will share their view on the use of neuroscience for policy making.

For the full program and registration, check this link.

April 15-18, 2019: NIAS - Lorentz Center Workshop

This 4 day workshop focuses on integrating theory and methodological approaches to capture developmental brain dynamics across multiple levels.

It is hosted in Leiden and organized by researchers from the Free University (Nienke van Atteveldt), Maastricht University (Milene Bonte), Catholic University Leuven (Maaike Vandermosten) and Leiden University (Wouter Weeda).

For the program, see the workshop website.