A running project that involves a large number of researchers from the GUTS consortium is the NeuroLabNL “Startimpulse” project, funded by the Dutch National Science Agenda. The Dutch National Science Agenda is based on questions that were proposed by members of the Dutch society. The central focus of the Startimpulse project is to set up collaborations between academics and societal partners. Therefore, societal partners and non-academic research institutes actively participate in the Startimpulse consortium. Its main topic is to create optimal conditions for youth education and safety. For more information on the research conducted within the Startimpulse project, see www.neurolab.nl/startimpuls.
Members of the consortium include (but not exclusively):
Katy de Kogel (WODC), Eveline Crone (LU), Berna Güroğlu (LU) Lydia Krabbendam (VU), Jan van Erp (TNO), Anne-Marie Brouwer (TNO), Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (UMCU) Lucres Nauta-Jansen (VUMC), Harold Bekkering (RU), Renate de Groot (OU Heerlen), Peter Verkoeijen (EUR, Avans),
Randi Goertz (RU), Anna van Duijvenvoorde (LU), Hilde Huizenga (UvA), Anne-Wil Kramer (UvA), Richard de Boef (Picasso Lyceum Zoetermeer), Joost van Rijn (ORS Lek en Linge), Anita Heijltjes (Avans), René Veenstra (RUG), Sanne Kellij (RUG), Henning Tiemeier (EUR, Harvard), Marcel van Aken (UU), Matteo Giletto (TU), Rosa Mulder (EUR),
Lisa Schreuder (TU), Neeltje van den Bedem (LU), Viktor Kallen (TNO), Dolf van Veen (Windesheim), Veerle Rijntje (KiVa), Dolf Hautvast (Respect-education), Esther Hosli (Hersenstichting), Roel Stuifmeel (Fun4All), Hanna Swaab (LU), Neeltje Blankenstein (VUMC, LU), Barbara Franke (RUMC), Marieke Klein (RUMC, UMCU), Dorothee Horstkötter (UM), Andrea Donker (HU), Ton Eijken (Ministerie VenJ), Peter Nikken (Windesheim), Dorien Graas (Windesheim), Lieke van Domburgh (Intermetzo/Pluryn),
Isabeth Mijnarends (OM), Maaike Kempes (NIFP), Eva Mulder (Curium, AWFZJ), Jolande Calkoen-Nauta (Court), Arne Popma (VUMC), Ilse van de Groep (LU/VUMC), Eco de Geus (VU), Matthijs Noordzij (UT), Mannes Spoel (UT), Marc Teunis (HU), Mandy Tjew-A-Sin (VU), Nattapong Thamassan (UT), Eus van Someren (NIN), Pieter Roelfsema (NIN), Matthew Self (NIN)